What are YOU capable of?
Imposter alert…I'm pretty average at physical feats - but I have managed to accomplish some pretty decent things even with my underwhelming physical abilities haha! If you read my last little blog then you get where I’m coming from (chubby, hated sports, much preferred doing as little as possible haha!)
But here’s what endeavoring to do challenging things taught me👇;
Competing in boxing; taught me courage
Running a half marathon; taught me resilience
Completing my Yoga teacher training; taught me acceptance
Losing weight through taking control of my diet; taught me discipline
Once I had learnt or taken on these attributes - I knew I had something to share with the world (or at least within my little community!) So I decided to open a gym (well this has certainly taught me more lessons than I can share in one post haha😆!)
But the point is, by learning all of this about myself, and learning from so many other Coaches along the way - meant that I gained an understanding of what was possible, and the steps needed to take to get there, not only for myself but for others!
All of these feats started out as goals…I wanted to prove to myself I was capable of achieving SOMETHING! That I had what it took to develop some grit, to not let life pass me by, to really know what discomfort felt like, to have something to strive towards, and something healthy to channel my focus and energy towards.
And now at SkyBox I’m surrounded by people daily who are pursuing their goals, developing routine, grit & discipline, who understand the importance of their physical health and the impact it has on their entire lives (their families, their work life, and their mental health & wellbeing), I work with a Team of Coaches who have also accomplished incredible feats and are ready to share their gifts.🎁
So if your thinking that now's the time you step up and out of the shadows - to actually do something for yourself (something your future self will say - F*CK YOU DID THAT?!) or your just ready to take the tiny step and start somewhere - anywhere that is better than where you are now…then come see me!
You can book a time RIGHT HERE
Coach T x