athletic woman wearing gold hot pants

FROM COUCH TO CONFIDENT: Finding Validation, Acceptance, and Biceps!

July 21, 20242 min read

I want EVERYONE (I know I can't help everyone - but dreaming big here!) to be able to know, feel and experience what;

  • Validation feels like; when you repeatedly do something so well and know and believe in your bones that you are beginning to master it…then others see this too. Giving us internal & external validation that we have conquered something! 

  • Acceptance feels like - to find a place or community that's meets you where you are at, no pressure or expectation to be more than you already are. Ready to embark on a journey for continued improvement together, and understanding there may be setbacks - but this community will have your back!

  • Confidence feels like - that little glow that creeps over us when we do something for the first time; whether we accomplish it or not just attempting it is where confidence begins to grow. The trust and knowledge in our bodies & minds that we are greater than our excuses, better than the person lying on the couch, better than we were yesterday or week or a month or a year ago! That we have put in enough work & effort to know that if we set ourselves a challenge or task - we will attempt to complete it to the best of our abilities!

  • Accomplishment feels like - trying, failing, trying again, and maybe failing again! But little by little we are getting closer to the person we want to become or the goal we have set out for ourselves. This commitment is what is required to move us towards ANY improvement in life!

Next post I’ll dig deeper into goals…but for now I'd love to hear from YOU!

When was the last time you felt;





It can be confident in that new dress (or jeans for you blokes), validated in your career with a promotion or pay rise, accomplished by completing a task, goal or maybe finally signing up for a course (or gym😉), accepted - that wanting to be healthier isn't “being boring” or that making a commitment to your wellbeing & fitness isn't becoming a “gym junkie” 

So hit me up with some replies!! And if your struggling to remember a time when you felt any of these - then its time to BOOK HERE to see me🖤

Coach T x

woman tying up her running shoes

blog author image

Coach T 🖤

A dedicated fitness professional - here to support you to greater health & happiness!

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athletic woman wearing gold hot pants

FROM COUCH TO CONFIDENT: Finding Validation, Acceptance, and Biceps!

July 21, 20242 min read

I want EVERYONE (I know I can't help everyone - but dreaming big here!) to be able to know, feel and experience what;

  • Validation feels like; when you repeatedly do something so well and know and believe in your bones that you are beginning to master it…then others see this too. Giving us internal & external validation that we have conquered something! 

  • Acceptance feels like - to find a place or community that's meets you where you are at, no pressure or expectation to be more than you already are. Ready to embark on a journey for continued improvement together, and understanding there may be setbacks - but this community will have your back!

  • Confidence feels like - that little glow that creeps over us when we do something for the first time; whether we accomplish it or not just attempting it is where confidence begins to grow. The trust and knowledge in our bodies & minds that we are greater than our excuses, better than the person lying on the couch, better than we were yesterday or week or a month or a year ago! That we have put in enough work & effort to know that if we set ourselves a challenge or task - we will attempt to complete it to the best of our abilities!

  • Accomplishment feels like - trying, failing, trying again, and maybe failing again! But little by little we are getting closer to the person we want to become or the goal we have set out for ourselves. This commitment is what is required to move us towards ANY improvement in life!

Next post I’ll dig deeper into goals…but for now I'd love to hear from YOU!

When was the last time you felt;





It can be confident in that new dress (or jeans for you blokes), validated in your career with a promotion or pay rise, accomplished by completing a task, goal or maybe finally signing up for a course (or gym😉), accepted - that wanting to be healthier isn't “being boring” or that making a commitment to your wellbeing & fitness isn't becoming a “gym junkie” 

So hit me up with some replies!! And if your struggling to remember a time when you felt any of these - then its time to BOOK HERE to see me🖤

Coach T x

woman tying up her running shoes

blog author image

Coach T 🖤

A dedicated fitness professional - here to support you to greater health & happiness!

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